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Words Starting With "B"

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You can also listen to word pronunciation in both English and Egyptian Arabic dialect.

English Egyptian Arabic Arabic Pronunciation
BabyبيبيPronunciation audio player for word بيبي
BadوحشPronunciation audio player for word وحش
BagشنطةPronunciation audio player for word شنطة
Bakedفي الفرنPronunciation audio player for word في الفرن
BakeryفرنPronunciation audio player for word فرن
BaldصلعةPronunciation audio player for word صلعة
BallكورةPronunciation audio player for word كورة
Ball Roomصالة حفلاتPronunciation audio player for word صالة حفلات
BandفرقةPronunciation audio player for word فرقة
BasketسبتPronunciation audio player for word سبت
BeachالشطPronunciation audio player for word الشط
BeachesالشواطىءPronunciation audio player for word الشواطىء
BeatاضربPronunciation audio player for word اضرب
BecauseعشانPronunciation audio player for word عشان
BeerبيرةPronunciation audio player for word بيرة
Before Thatقبل كدهPronunciation audio player for word قبل كده
BehindوراPronunciation audio player for word ورا
BeltحزامPronunciation audio player for word حزام
BesideجنبPronunciation audio player for word جنب
BetterاحسنPronunciation audio player for word احسن
BetweenبينPronunciation audio player for word بين
BicycleبسكلتةPronunciation audio player for word بسكلتة
BigكبيرPronunciation audio player for word كبير
BillحسابPronunciation audio player for word حساب
Billiard Roomصالة بلياردوPronunciation audio player for word صالة بلياردو
BillsفواتيرPronunciation audio player for word فواتير
BiscuitsبسكوتPronunciation audio player for word بسكوت
Black: سودااسودPronunciation audio player for word : سودااسود
BlenderخلاطPronunciation audio player for word خلاط
Blueازرق : زرقاPronunciation audio player for word ازرق : زرقا
BoiledمسلوقPronunciation audio player for word مسلوق
BoringمملPronunciation audio player for word ممل
Bottle Cap OpenerفتاحةPronunciation audio player for word فتاحة
BoxعلبةPronunciation audio player for word علبة
BoyولدPronunciation audio player for word ولد
BravoبرافوPronunciation audio player for word برافو
BreadعيشPronunciation audio player for word عيش
BreakfastالفطارPronunciation audio player for word الفطار
BreezeنسيمPronunciation audio player for word نسيم
BrideعروسةPronunciation audio player for word عروسة
Bridgeكوبري : كبرياتPronunciation audio player for word كوبري : كبريات
BrokeكسرPronunciation audio player for word كسر
BrotherاخPronunciation audio player for word اخ
BrothersاخواتPronunciation audio player for word اخوات